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Hunan Ruibo Technology Co., Ltd

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Company profile
湖南省瑞博科技有限公司是中国优秀的高科技医疗设备生产厂家,同时也是国内监护仪器的创新领导者之一,自从1996年创立以来,公司始终致力于面向临床监护仪研发生产,产品涵盖胎儿监护仪、母婴监护仪、多参数监护仪、中央监护系统等,将性价完美的医疗仪器带到世界的各个角落。 公司坚持以客户需求为中心,以客户满意为目标的服务宗旨,所有设备均2年保换、终生维修。 公司注册资金1000万元,占地面积4500平方米生产基地,具备年产60000套以上监护设备的生产能力,公司生产的“瑞博”品牌监护诊疗产品,被评为湖南省名牌产品,公司一直奉行薄利多销和诚实经营的原则,其中普及型产品(多参数监护仪)国内市场占有率(数量)达到50%以上,正在向更加专业化,更加规模化,更加国际化的目标迈进。
Exhibition of exhibits
  • Automatic blood type analyzer

    Taking "whole case technical service" and "whole case technology implementation" as the main market service mode, it serves all fields of food industry in an all-round way. In the field of public health, "Jianzhisu" series products have been widely used in the market of schools, railways, civil aviation, customs, inspection and quarantine, military, hotels and hotels, etc., and has become the leading product and leading enterprise of emergency material storage, public health emergencies and natural disasters.

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  • Overall solution of hospital infection control system

    Taking "whole case technical service" and "whole case technology implementation" as the main market service mode, it serves all fields of food industry in an all-round way. In the field of public health, "Jianzhisu" series products have been widely used in the market of schools, railways, civil aviation, customs, inspection and quarantine, military, hotels and hotels, etc., and has become the leading product and leading enterprise of emergency material storage, public health emergencies and natural disasters.

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  • Overall solution for radiology

    Taking "whole case technical service" and "whole case technology implementation" as the main market service mode, it serves all fields of food industry in an all-round way. In the field of public health, "Jianzhisu" series products have been widely used in the market of schools, railways, civil aviation, customs, inspection and quarantine, military, hotels and hotels, etc., and has become the leading product and leading enterprise of emergency material storage, public health emergencies and natural disasters.

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  • Medical environmental protection and oxygen supply engineering

    Taking "whole case technical service" and "whole case technology implementation" as the main market service mode, it serves all fields of food industry in an all-round way. In the field of public health, "Jianzhisu" series products have been widely used in the market of schools, railways, civil aviation, customs, inspection and quarantine, military, hotels and hotels, etc., and has become the leading product and leading enterprise of emergency material storage, public health emergencies and natural disasters.

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